Is it normal for an Air conditioner to run all day?
No. Even when the temperature and humidity are very high, your AC unit should not run continuously. Cooling cycles, on average, should last for 15-20 minutes per hour with the highest point of the set thermostat temperature and the lowest point of the room temperature is reached, the condenser should shut down, ending the cooling cycle.
Continuous running of an air conditioner generates electricity and wastes costs. It will further damage other components of your HVAC system that are now working continuously.
Why is your air conditioner running all day?
1. Electrical malfunctions
2. Faulty thermostat
3. Faulty fan
4. Dirty condenser and condenser coils
5. Frozen evaporator coils
Excess dirt, dust, and clogged filters prevent evaporator coils from receiving heat. As a result, the condensation of the cooling process occurs on the surface of the coil in the form of ice, frost, and extreme stages of ice ledge.
What should you do if your Air Conditioner is continuously running?
Here are a few settings to check if your Air Conditioner is continuously running:
1. Adjust the thermostat settings
2. Adjust thermostat fan settings.
3. Clean dust and dirt off the air filter and blower fan
Switch off your HVAC system before cleaning, use water and brush and contact your technician for a professional cleaning service.
If your air conditioner is running continuously and you cannot fix it, don’t worry. We can help. Call us to schedule a professional ac service and assess your HVAC system.